Wrist and Hand exercises

Wrist exercises- Early 

  1. With your forearm resting on the table palm down and hand over the edge- Bend your hand towards the floor and then back up towards the ceiling x 10

2. Rest the palm of your hand on the table and then slide your hand side to side x 10 each way

3. With your forearm rested on the table turn your whole forearm over from a palm down position to a palm up position and back keeping your elbow still x 10 each way

4. Try touching your thumb to the tip of each finger in turn and once able to try and do this quickly

5. Make a tight fist and then open it again spreading the fingers right out. Repeat x 20 and do whenever you have a moment as this will help reduce the swelling in your hand.

6. With the palm of your hand facing up move your thumb towards the base of the little finger across your palm. Then take it back out across as far as possible x 10

7. Now touch the end of each finger with your thumb and slide it down each finger in turn.

8. When you are able to hold a small weight then and do exercise number one holding the weight i.e lifting it up with your wrist over the edge of the table

9. Standing- Put your hand on the table and push the forearm forwards.

10. Sitting place your hands together as if praying and then keeping them together rotate them up and down.

11. Hold a small ball and squeeze it to build up the strength in your grip. You can also use children’s plasticene or something similar.

12. Practice opening and closing coffee jars or jam jars

13. Standing with your elbow tucked into your side. Hold a heavy stick or weight. Turn your palm upwards and downwards keeping hold of the weight. The resistance can be applied by pulling against a Theraband elastic