Thoracic exercises

Knee rolls

Lie on your back with the knees bent and feet on the floor. Roll the knees as far as you can each way but keeping your back on the floor x 20

Rolling backwards over a roll, ball or arm of the chair

This is a great way to loosen up the mid back.

Find a hard roll and do an abdominal curl up over the roll. Move the roll to different areas of the back to loosen them up.

If you can not get down onto the floor you can roll backwards over the rounded arm of the sofa or over a Swiss ball.


Sitting thoracic rotation

Sitting on a chair turn your body around as far as you can and then pull yourself further round by pulling on the chair and on your knee x 5 each way

Seated side bends

Sitting on a chair stretch alternate arms down sideways towards the floor x 10 


Wall side bends

Stand against the wall keeping back and pelvis against the wall. Slide your hand down sideways each way x 20

Angry cat exercise

Kneel on all fours. Now arch your back as high as you can tucking your chin down as far as possible. Then hollow your back lifting your head up. Keep your elbows straight at all times.

Repeat x10-20

All fours- stretch forwards

On all fours then stretch the arms out straight in front of you and let your back stretch out. Feel the stretch.

Hold for 3-5 seconds.

shoulder stretch in prone
ball ex-roll ball for th rotn

Swiss ball thoracic rotation

Using a Swiss ball place your hands on the ball and roll the ball from side to side as far as you can.

Wall sidebands with arm up

This is a stronger stretch than the one with your hands by your side

On all Fours-Walk both hands round each way
First to the left and stretch out right arm. Then walk them round to the right and stretch the left arm forwards. Feel the stretch

3 thoughts on “Thoracic exercises”

  1. Pingback: Thoracic/Midback pain – Myhealth4life

  2. Pingback: Dowager’s Hump –

  3. Pingback: Stretches- Muscles –

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