Supplements for Stress

Green Tea has polyphenol antioxidants, which provide health benefits. It also helps raise serotonin levels to help combat stress and anxiety 

Valerian Is a popular sleep aid as it has a mild tranquilizing effect

Lemon Balm is a member of the mint family and has anti oxidant effects.

Omega 3 fatty acids has been proven to reduce anxiety up to 20%.

This is contained in fatty fish but if you do not eat much you can take one of many supplements on the market. Take the tablet with a meal that contains fat as this helps absorption. Do not buy tablets in bulk as they do go off.

Ashwagandha is a herb used in Indian medicine to treat stress . Some studies say that is effective by reducing cortisol lowering blood sugar and helping your body manage stress.

KavaKava comes from the root of a pepper plant and has been used for a long time as a sedative in South America. It is increasingly used in Europe to treat mild stress.

References- taken from articles written by Kerri Ann Jennings ,Freydis Hjalmarsdottir