Stretches- Muscles


There are several factors that restrict the mobility of joints and this includes the temperature of the tissues, the flexibility of the muscles, tendons, ligaments and joint capsules and finally your age.

It is very important to decrease the risk of injury to include some flexibility training into your schedule which includes some muscle stretching. The critical area to maintain mobile are in the lower leg and include the calf muscles, the hip flexors, the hip adductors(groin) and the quadriceps. This is even more important to do after any form of injury to a muscle group.

Stretching the shoulders, neck and back are also beneficial and can relieve pain and stiffness.

Maintaining the flexibility of your spinal ligaments and muscles by regular stretches can help prevent back pain.

Hamstrings muscle

This is the large muscle that runs from your buttock to behind your knee.

Tightness in these muscles can lead to pain in the back and walking freely with long strides.

Any tight muscle group can lead to issues with other joints and muscles. The muscles have to be in the correct balance with each other in both mobility and strength.

Hamstring stretch in lying

Lie down on your back and place your hands behind your knee.

Now try and stretch the leg out straight.

Hold for 5 seconds and release. Repeat x 5

This is a form of dynamic stretch for the Hamstrings


Hamstring stretch in sitting with legs out in front

Keep your legs out straight and lean slowly forwards towards your toes. Hold for 20 seconds and then release. Repeat x 5

hamstring stretch long sitting

Hamstring stretch in standing

Put your leg up on a step or stool. Keeping the knee straight lean forwards toward your ankle.

Hold for 20 seconds and release. Repeat x 5

Do NOT bounce

Hamstring stretch in a chair

The Hamstring stretch can also be done in sitting. As before lean forward towards the ankle keeping the knee straight at all times.

Hold 10 secs and Repeat x 5

sciatic nerve stretch in chair

Quadriceps muscle

This is the large muscle which is found at the front and side of the thigh. It has four parts: rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, and vastus intermedius. The muscle originates from the hipbone and femur (thigh bone) and come together into a tendon that surrounds the kneecap (patella) and then inserts onto the shinbone (tibia) just below the knee. These muscles extend the legs at the knee and are important for standing, walking, and almost all activities involving the legs.


Quadriceps stretching in lying

Lie on your front and bend the knee as far as you can. Then pull it further with your hand.

Hold this position for 20 seconds and then release.

Repeat x 3

Quadriceps stretching in standing

Stand and bend the knee up behind you. Then holding the ankle bend it further but keep standing up tall at all times. Do NOT lean forwards

Hold 10 seconds and repeat x 3

quads stretch in standing

Hip flexor stretch

These are the muscles responsible for bending your hip up. These are often tight in older people and tends to make people walk in a bent over style of gait. 

They can become tight due to poor posture, joint problems in the hip or post surgery.

Lie on your front, bend the knee to 90 degrees and lift the thigh off the bed.

Hip flexor stretch in side lying

This same stretch can be performed in side lying as well.

Bend the knee and hold it bent with your hand. Then extend the hip back as far as you can. Hold for 10 seconds and release. Repeat x 3

calf stretch

Forward Lunges in standing

Stand with one leg in front of the other. Make sure both feet are facing forwards and keep your body straight up.

Now lean forward putting the weight onto the front foot. Feel the stretch on the front of the thigh.

Hold 10 secs and repeat x 3 each side.

Gluteal muscles stretch in sitting

The Gluteal muscles are the muscles in your buttocks.

This stretch can be done lying or sitting.

1.Lying on your back with your knees bent. Now  cross right ankle over left knee. With your hands interlaced behind the left thigh gently pull the left leg toward you to feel a stretch on the right side in the buttocks. Hold the stretch for 20 to 30 seconds, keeping upper body flat against floor.

2. In sitting- cross one leg over the other and then pull up the thigh to feel a stretch in the buttock.

add stretch


Groin/ Adductor stretch- Sideways Lunge

Stand with your legs well apart and your feet facing forwards. Now lean onto one leg putting all your weight on that one and feel the stretch in the opposite groin.

Hold 10 seconds and repeat x 5

Calf stretches

Stand with one foot in front of you and both feet flat on the floor with feet facing forwards. Lean onto the front foot and feel the stretch in the calf muscle of the rear leg.

Hold 10 seconds and Repeat x 5


Calf and Achilles stretch on a step

Stand on the edge of a step with your forefoot safely on the step. Now drop both of your heels down over the edge. Feel the stretch in your calf and Achilles tendon.

Hold for 20 seconds and repeat x 5

Achilles stretch on the skirting

Put your toes and forefoot up on the skirting or wall. Then keeping the knee straight lean forwards to try and get your shin towards the wall.

Hold for 10 seconds and repeat x 5

achilles tendon stretch

Back stretches

Side flexion on the wall

Stand by the wall and slide each hand alternately down the wall

Sitting Thoracic twist

The perfect stretch to do at the desk. 

Turn your body each way

Another great stretch for the middle back and lower back

For more stretches see 

Back exercises- Basic mobilising

Thoracic exercises

Neck exercises