Shoulder Exercises- mobilising


Assisted shoulder flexion

Lay down flat on your back on the bed. Grasp the wrist of your bad arm with your normal hand, pulling toward the ceiling, then gently overhead.
Hold this position for 10 seconds then lower slowly.

You can also do this holding a stick

Repeat x 10-20

Assisted rotation in lying with a pole

Lying down hold the walking stick. Keeping your elbows by your side push the stick towards your bad side to help move the shoulder in to rotation. Just ease into this gently and repeat x 10

Active external rotation

Lie on your back, tuck your arm in by your side and bend your elbow to 90 degrees.
Bring your wrist and forearm out to the side toward the ground as much as possible while keeping your elbow in contact with your side.

Repeat x 10


Pendular exercises

Use your normal arm to hold the side of a table or bed for balance.
Bend over at the waist and make sure your back is parallel to the floor.
Let the stiff arm dangle like a pendulum and gently swing it in a small circle that is parallel to the floor x 10 one way and then x 10 the other way
Then allow your arm to swing back and forth x 20

Wall slides

Stand facing a wall and place the forearm on the wall. Slowly slide your forearm up the wall.
Lower to the starting position and repeat

Shoulder flexion with a stick

Stand with a stick in both hands and palms down.
With the healthy arm, assist the injured arm up towards the ceiling, keeping the arm perpendicular to the body.
Move through the full range of motion.
Bring the stick back down and repeat the exercise.
Make sure the movement comes from the good arm x 10-15


Towel exercise

You can add in holding a towel exercise where you hold a towel behind your back with one hand behind the back and the other behind the neck.Then pull up with the arm behind the neck to try and ease the other one further up the back.

Then swap hands and put bad arm behind neck and try and pull it downwards with the other arm via the towel.



Horizontal pull across body-

Then pull the arm across your body towards the opposite shoulder x 5

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Sitting or standing

1. Active external and internal rotation

Sit in a chair with your arms down by your side, turn your hands all the way in and then out.

2. Scapular depression and retraction

Stand or sit with your arms resting comfortably in front of your body.
Straighten the back.
Pull your shoulder blades together slightly, as well as try to push the shoulder blades down. Hold the position.

sh shrugs

3.  Shoulder shrugs

Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears, then circle them back and down


4. Sitting-Rotate arm out

Sit down and put a towel roll under the affected elbow with the elbow bent at 90 °. Rotate the arm into external rotation using its own strength.
Be sure to pause for at least 5 seconds in the stretched position.

Repeat x 10


Passive shoulder flexion

Try and rig up a rope to make a pulley system attaching it up high

Hold one end of the rope in each hand.
Use the rope as a pulley to help you use one arm to lift the other.

Use one hand to pull the other arm straight up in front of you with the elbow straight. Pull your arm as high up as possible.
Lower your arms.
NOTE: Do not arch your back. Keep your shoulders level and back straight.

Passive external rotation stretch

Sit down and put a towel roll or pillow under the affected elbow with the elbow bent to 90 °. Use a stick to move the arm into external rotation.
Be sure to pause for a few seconds in the stretched position.

Repeat x 10

shoulder stick ex


Table slide flexion

Start sitting or standing with the arm/hand supported on the counter top or table. Slowly slide your arm in front until you feel a stretch.
Use a towel or similar to reduce friction.

More advanced stretches

Lie on back hands behind head push elbows back

Lie down on the bed. Put both hands behind your neck. Then try and let your elbows move apart downwards towards the bed. Repeat x 5

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Corner stretches

Stand in the corner of a room and with elbows bent and forearms vertically up on the wall. Then lean into the corner with your body to stretch the front of the shoulder.

Kneeling slide forwards

Kneel on the floor and stretch your arms out in front. Lean into it and feel the stretch. Hold 5 seconds

Repeat x 5

shoulder stretch in prone