Shoulder Theraband exercises


Shoulder Flexion

-Stand on the piece of elastic

-Start with your arm by your side, your elbow straight and thumb up

-Raise your arm up keeping the elbow straight

-Slowly return to starting position


Shoulder Extension

-Either attach the elastic to a door handle at waist height or

Hold one end of the elastic in front of you at hip height and the other end on the handle or wrapped around your hand depending what type of theraband you have.

-With arm by your side, keep the elbow straight pull the whole arm backwards

-Return to start position


sh theraband 7.editted
sh theraband ex

Shoulder Abduction

-With the band under your foot pull out sideways x 10-20 to 90 degrees

Or alternatively you can do it with both hands  out in front of you wrap the elastic around them.

-Keep the hands low at hip height

-Pull one arm outwards keeping elbow locked straight

-Go up to 90 degrees or less

Horizontal Extension

-Start the same as Shoulder Abduction with the elastic round both hands

-Now lift arms up so shoulders are at 90 degrees

-Keep your arms straight

-Pull back and then slowly release



Shoulder Adduction

 -Secure elastic to a secure object at waist height such as door handle

-Hold one end of elastic and pull your straight arm across your body

-Slowly return to start position



Horizontal Adduction

-With elastic secured at shoulder height

-With straight arm shoulder at 90 degrees

-Pull elastic across your body keeping shoulder at 90

sh theraband standing
sh theraband int rot ex_2

Shoulder Internal Rotation

 -Secure your elastic at waist height

-You can sit or stand for this exercise

-With elbows bent to 90 degrees and kept locked by your side

-Pull lower arm across your body towards the opposite elbow


Shoulder External Rotation

-Either secure elastic at waist height or wrap both ends around your hands

-With elbows at 90 degrees and elbows tucked in to your body

-Rotate lower half of the arm outwards

-If more comfortable you can place a cushion or pillow between your elbow and body


Shoulder Diagonal Raises


Diagonal Flexion 1

-Secure elastic at floor level preferably a short way out from the arm to be used.

-Hold the elastic with your palm forward

-Lift arm up and across your body towards the opposite shoulder

-Your elbow can bend slightly as you go up

Diagonal Flexion 2

-With elastic attached at floor level

-Starting position is your arm across your trunk

-Hold the elastic with palm facing your body

-Pull whole arm up and across ending up with your palm facing forwards

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Diagonal shoulder Extensions

Extension 1

 -Elastic secured to something around head height

– Start with arm across your body holding the elastic with palm inwards

-Pull arm down and across the body ending up with palm facing forwards

Extension 2

-Attach elastic above head height

-Start with arm high above your head up and out

Palm forward

-Hold elastic and pull down and across your body

-End up with palm facing in by your opposite hip



Chest press

 -With elastic secured at shoulder height

-Stand in front and hold both ends of the elastic arms out from your side and elbows well bent

-Punch both arms forward and out in front of you straightening the elbows

This can also be done in sitting

1 thought on “Shoulder Theraband exercises”

  1. Pingback: Shoulder Replacement Exercises – Myhealth4life

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