Rehab-The Claverdale

 The Clavadel in Guildford first opened in 2014. The director had long been aware of the lack of high-quality rehabilitation facilities on offer in the UK. But it was during a trip to Holland and Germany  that he witnessed the power of aquatic therapy in post-operative recovery first hand – that he realised he had to make its incredible recuperative properties more widely available to the general public.

As a result, The Clavadel’s dedicated physiotherapy suite offers a state-of-the-art hydrotherapy pool that includes almost the only underwater treadmill to be found outside of Premier League football clubs.

More like a hotel or country club than a traditional clinic, the purpose-built treatment centre offers the very highest standards of care.

There are 32 beds and more than 60 staff including a matron, who has 15 years’ experience at Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital. The Clavadel’s experienced team of nurses and care assistants are on duty 24 hours a day to ensure you receive the appropriate level of post-operative support.

The high staff-to-patient ratio, in addition to twice-weekly visits from a local GP, ensures an outstanding level of care at all times.

Physiotherapists offer bespoke programs with twice daily sessions of which often one is in the pool.

Highly recommended by many but unfortunately very hard to get a place so book well in advance before your operation.

For more information contact the Claverdale directly on Tel: 01483 561 944