Elbow-Olecranon Bursitis

Where is the olecranon?

The Olecranon is the medical name for the point of the elbow and a bursa is a little envelope of lubricating fluid that sits between skin and bone in various parts of the body to prevent friction. There are 150 Bursae found in various parts of the body where friction is prone. If the bursa is irritated the bursa instead of producing a small amount of fluid it over produces.


Normally it is from pressure through the elbow or it can be caused from a fall or bash onto the point of the elbow. More rarely it can be from a puncture wound from a rose thorn.


They normally disappear by themselves but can take several months to do this. This may be unsightly and can be uncomfortable when you lean on the elbow.

It can be drained but this may be a fruitless exercise as it often fills up again. If it is drained it is important to keep it strapped tightly after and keep it rested in a sling for 4 days after the procedure.

Occasionally the bursa becomes very red, swollen and painful. This may mean iy has become infected. In these cases the infection must firstly be treated with antibiotics and then see if the bursa settles down before doing any possible surgery.