Neck exercises

Most of the neck exercises are covered in other articles about the neck such as-

Postural neck strain and

How to sit at your desk.

There are many reasons for neck pain and weakness but on the whole the exercises are the same. Try to do them slowly and if you have any dizziness slow them down further, reduce the number or cut out that particular exercise.


One of the most effective postural exercises for combating neck pain is the chin tuck exercise. This exercise helps strengthen the muscles that pull the head back into alignment over the shoulders (upper thoracic extensors) and also stretches the scalene and suboccipital muscles.


Chin tucks can be done as often as you like throughout the day, such as while sitting in the car or at the desk at work. The repetition of this exercise throughout the day also helps develop good postural habits.

Initially this is best learnt standing against the wall but once perfected can be done in any position.

Stand with your back and the crown of your head against the wall. Keeping the crown of the head in contact with the wall at all times try and retract your chin inwards flattening the neck at the back towards the wall.

You should try and imagine something is pulling the crown of your head vertically up so your spine is being stretched upwards.

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Neck flexion

a. Bring your chin towards your chest. Now pull it a little further with your hands to feel the stretch. Repeat x 5

b. Resisted Neck flexion against your hand- Place your hand on your forehead and push forwards against it.

Repeat x 5

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Neck rotation

Turn your head round to look at your shoulder and then if possible push it a little bit further with your hands

Repeat x 5

Do the same on the other side x 5

Then place your hand on your chin and push against your hand

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Neck sidebends

Stretch your head sideways towards your shoulder and use the hand to pull it further. Keep your eyes facing forwards at all times

Repeat x 5 each side 

Now resist by pushing your head sideways against your hand

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Chin to shoulder

This time just take your chin down and out towards your shoulder.

Repeat x5 each side

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Neck stretch in prone

Lie on your front propped up on your elbows- Let the head hang down forwards and feel the stretch.

Hold 20 seconds 

Repeat 2-3 times

Now turn the head and lift it up keeping it slightly turned

Lift up x 5. Then do the other side.

If it is too hard on the floor you can start by doing it from a pillow on a table top

Neck sidebends in lying

Lie on your side with your shoulder under you. Keeping your eyes facing straight forwards let your head lower to the floor.

Feel the stretch in the muscles on the side of your neck

Repeat x 5 each side

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Shoulder shrugs and Rolls

Shrug your shoulders up and down and then roll them around in circles each way x 10