MRI scans

What is an MRI scan?

 MRI stands for Magnetic Resonance Imaging

This is a way of taking pictures inside the body without using x-rays. It is suitable for every part of your body, including bones, soft tissues and the brain, and is one of the most advanced imaging techniques used to date.

MRI uses a very strong magnetic field which allows doctors to see inside your body in a way previously only possible through surgery.

It is a safe, painless technique with no known risks, provided the safety questionnaire is correctly completed. Due to the magnet used by the scanner, people with certain types of medical implants or devices may not be able to be scanned. Some examples: people fitted with a pacemaker, some types of head surgery, certain metal implants or if there has ever been any injury to the eyes involving metal fragments.

An early diagnosis can be one of the best forms of treatment.

How it works

An MRI scanner is a large, hollow cylinder open at both ends. A strong magnetic field and radio waves are used to create images of organs and other structures inside you.

A ‘receiving device’ like an aerial, may be placed behind or around the part of the body being examined. This detects the tiny radio signals emitted from the body during the scan.

During an MRI scan, you lie on a flat bed that’s moved into the scanner.

Depending on the part of your body being scanned, you’ll be moved into the scanner either head first or feet first.

Details of how it actually works

Most of the human body is made up of water molecules, which consist of hydrogen and oxygen atoms.

At the centre of each hydrogen atom is an even smaller particle called a proton. Protons are like tiny magnets and are very sensitive to magnetic fields.

When you lie under the powerful scanner magnets, the protons in your body line up in the same direction, in the same way that a magnet can pull the needle of a compass.

Short bursts of radio waves are then sent to certain areas of the body, knocking the protons out of alignment.

When the radio waves are turned off, the protons realign. This sends out radio signals, which are picked up by receivers.

These signals provide information about the exact location of the protons in the body.

They also help to distinguish between the various types of tissue in the body, because the protons in different types of tissue realign at different speeds and produce distinct signals.

In the same way that millions of pixels on a computer screen can create complex pictures, the signals from the millions of protons in the body are combined to create a detailed image of the inside of the body.

Scans take between 20-60 mins depending on the scan required.

The MRI scanner will make loud noises whilst taking your pictures but this is totally normal. You will be offered earphones and a choice of music.

You will hear them talking to you also before and after each scan.

 The MRI scanner uses a powerful magnet so people with certain types of medical implants or devices may not be able to be scanned. It is important to remove all metal from your body including money from your pockets.

Why would you need an MRI scan?

If you suffer with any of the following an MRI may be the best way to diagnose an illness and ensure you receive the best possible care. 


Do you suffer from headaches, dizziness, strange sensations or paralysis? Possible causes found through MRI include, but aren’t limited to:

  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Space Occupying Lesions
  • Aneurysms
  • Trauma
  • Contusions
  • Bleeds



An MRI would help find possible causes of sciatica, back pain, injury, scoliosis, or paralysis.

Possible causes found through MRI are:

  • Disc herniations or disease
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Fractures
  • Osteoporosis
  • Facet joint disease
  • Degeneration 



Issues with your prostate, fibroids, ovarian disease, arthritis, bursitis, groin issues, gynaecological problems and unidentified hip pain can be diagnosed with MRI. Possible discoveries may be: 

  • Gyneacology pathology (ovarian cancer, fibroids, endometriosis)
  • Prostate cancer

Musculoskeletal problems such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Bursitis
  • Femoroacetabular impingement around the head and/or neck of femur
  • Sacroiliac joint problems



Abdominal pain can involve the liver, kidney and pancreatic pathologies. If this has become an issue for you, an MRI scan may be able to identify: 

  • Gallstones
  • Cirrhosis 
  • Tumours



If you suffer from any limb trauma, pain, or restriction of movement, an MRI scan may be able to diagnose: 

  • Fractures or stress fractures
  • Inflammation
  • Muscle tears
  • Joint Issues
  • Cartilage issues


What happens after the MRI scan? 

Your Results:

Please contact your referrer for your results and further information. Results usually take a few days to be processed.

After your scan

  • There are no after effects from the scan. You can return to your normal activities as soon as the scan is over.
  • The images from the scan are studied by a Consultant who will prepare a written report to send to your referrer.​​​​​​

You will receive a disc with the images of your MRI scan (unless your scan was performed on a mobile unit and the images will be posted to the patient by recorded delivery). Your referrer will also receive a copy of the report and images of the scan. 

When should an MRI not be done?

Due to the powerful magnetic field of an MRI scan, certain individuals cannot be scanned. A patient must not have an MRI scan if they have:

  • A cardiac (heart) pacemaker
  • Clips in the head from brain operations, ie aneurysm clips
  • A cochlear (ear) implant
  • A metallic foreign body in the patient’s eye
  • A programmable shunt for hydrocephalus (fluid on the brain)
  • Or are pregnant.

Recommenced places to go if you are self paying

There are many options of places to get a scan. If you are self paying it is worth ringing around and finding a day or time of day that costs less. There is a huge range in costs depending on the time of day.

Recommended places:

Vista Health[email protected]

Based in 20 locations all over the UK

Prices range from £199- £350

Tel: 0333 200 2064
Fax: 0333 200 2065
Email: [email protected]

Another excellent place is:

Cobalt health