Knee Exercises-Strength

The Quadriceps/ Thigh muscle strength is vital to the stability of the knee. Any condition that causes some swelling in the knee, plus any operation or trauma to the knee will lead to weakness in this muscle.

Knee strengthening exercise is important to improve the strength of the muscles that control your knee and to help stabilise and protect the joint. It has also been shown to reduce pain and can prevent your knee giving way, reducing the risk of falls.

Even with arthritis in the knee, it is vital to get the balance of maintaining strength in the knee and not aggravating the pain too much.

There are some exercises that can be done in lying or sitting which work the Quadriceps.

However it is in weight bearing that you develop the most strength.


Knee extension over a roll

1. Place a rolled up towel under your knee-keeping the knee on the roll lift the lower leg to straighten the knee x 20

Straight leg lift

Sit or lie with your leg straight out in front of you. Squash your knee down flat and tense your Quads muscle so that your heel lifts off the surface. Then lift your leg approximately 2 inches off the bed.

If your knee bends as you lift the leg, this is called a lag and means the exercise is less effective and may be that you are not ready. Work harder at Exercise 1 before you resume.

Hold for a count of 5

Repeat x10

SLR in long sitting

Straight leg raise with foot turned out

When you can do the straight leg raise then try and do it with the foot turned out. Lift the leg just clear of the bed straight as before then rotate the leg out and lift in this position x 10

Build up to x 20

This is much harder if you are fully sitting up with your back against the wall or sofa.

Straight leg lift with abduction

In this exercise you lift the leg straight as before making sure the knee is kept locked at all times. Then take the leg outwards keeping the toes facing the ceiling at all times x 10


Theraband exercise in lying or sitting

Using a theraband push the leg out straight away from you x 20

You can make this harder depending on the colour of the theraband used.


For the knee to be fully strong the rest of the lower limb also needs attention including the Gluteal muscles in the bottom and the Hamstring.

While you are on your back you can do some bridging.

With both knees bent lift your bottom up and hold for 5 seconds then release and repeat x 10


Lie on your side and lift the leg

Lie on one side and lift the leg straight up keeping your toes facing forwards and knee locked straight x 20

Clam exercise

With your feet together lift your upper knee away from the lower one but keeping your pelvis steady and not allowing it to roll back

Repeat x 10


Exercises in a chair

Sit and extend your knee in front of you x 20


Extend the knee against a Theraband

This needs to be tied to the leg of the chair and sufficiently short to make it hard enough. Make a loop for the foot


Sit to stand

This is a very good strengthening exercise if you are able to do it.

Sit to stand not holding the arms of the chair if possible x 10-20

If you hold your arms out in front it is slightly easier. A higher chair will also make it easier

To make it harder put your arms across your chest. To make it harder sit on a lower chair.

Sit to stand with a ball between the knees

Now do the same with a small ball gripped firmly between your knees x 10

sit-stand c ball

Standing Exercise


Hold on to a solid object if needed

Bend both knees a short way and back up x 10-20

Wall slides

Place your back and shoulders against the wall. Slide your body down the wall making sure it stays in contact with the wall at all times x 10-20

Your knees should go towards your big toe so make sure they aim in that direction!

To make this harder grip a small ball hard between your knees as you go down and up.

wall slides

Steps ups

Go to the bottom step of your stairs and hold the bannister. Place the leg you want to strengthen on the step. Now step up and back down keeping the weak leg on the same step at all times x 10-20

Step downs

Stand on the last step at the bottom of your stairs and hold the bannister.

Facing downstairs keep your weak leg on the step and lower the good one towards the floor as far as you can without actually stepping down.

Then come up again.

This is an advanced exercise so do not try until you are ready.


Static bicycle

If you have one or access to one this is a very good exercise especially if you can not do the full weight bearing ones like the step and squats.

Hydrotherapy or exercises in the water
-is an extremely good way of exercising if you have problems with your knees

Exercise sheet for exercises in water here-

Knee- Early Hydrotherapy exercises

 Hydrotherapy for knees whole program below