

There are many different reasons for incontinence and the treatment will vary accordingly.

Normally the doctors will try conservative treatments first which do not involve tablets or surgery
These will involve changes in lifestyle, training bladder control and exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
If none of these work then there are other options available including surgery

Lifestyle changes

– this can be to reduce how much and when you drink your fluids
-You may be told to cut back on your caffeine intake
– losing weight can also help

Pelvic floor exercises

These are the muscles that surround the bladder and urethra and are used to control the flow of urine.
If these muscles are weak or damaged by surgery or disease this can lead to incontinence.
Your GP can send you to a specialist who will analyse the strength of your muscles and design a program of pelvic floor exercises for you.
The suggested exercises should be done 3 times daily for at least 3 months to see if they are helping

See exercise sheets
Pelvic floor exercises for Women
Pelvic floor exercises for Men

Pelvic floor exercises for women

Pelvic floor exercises for Men

If you find it hard to contract the muscles your specialist may suggest using electrical stimulation.
This will involve putting in an electrode, which allows a small current to help simulate the muscles to work. You can then work with the help of the current.
There are also options for biofeedback, vaginal cones and bladder training.