Hip Theraband exercises

hip thera flex

Hip Exercises with Theraband

Hip flexion -Standing- Attach elastic to a secure object at ankle level such as bannisters or table leg

– Place the loop around your ankle

-Stand facing away from the point it is secured

-Keep leg straight

-Pull the whole leg forwards

Or you can buy a fixed length loop that you step into.


Hip Extension

-Elastic attached as above

– This time stand facing the secured point

-Keep knee straight

– Pull the whole leg backwards

Or do it with the fixed length band

hip thera ext
theraband hip abd hurl_1

Hip Abduction

-Elastic as before

-Stand sideways on with working leg away from secured point

-Keep knee straight

-Pull leg outwards

-Keep foot facing forwards

Or use the fixed length band


Hip Adduction

 -As before this time stand with working leg facing secured point

-Keep knee straight

-Pull across your body inwards


clam with thera band

Hip Abduction with External Rotation (Clam)

 -Loop elastic around your thighs

-With your knees bent

-Move thighs apart


Hip Abduction with Bridging

Lie on your back with your knees bent

Place the band tied around your thighs

Pull legs apart and lift your bottom up at the same time

bridging with thera

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  1. Pingback: Hip exercises- Advanced – Myhealth4life

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