Hip exercises- Early

These are general exercises for the hip.

N.B. If you have had a replacement follow the advice for post op Hip exercises as you need to avoid certain positions after surgery.

Hip abduction

Lie on your back with your legs straight.
Slide your right leg out to the side as far as you can, while keeping your knee straight. Do not turn your knee.

Slide your leg back to its original position x 20

If this is very difficult you can place a tray with talcum powder under the heel to help you slide

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knee bends in ly

Hip and knee flexion

Lie on your back and bend your knee towards your chest.

Then lower back down again x 20


With both feet bent lift your bottom as high as you can.

Then release

Repeat x 20

To make this a little harder you can clasp a small ball between your knees as you lift up.

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Straight leg lift

Keeping your knee locked straight lift the whole leg up with the toes facing the ceiling

Repeat x 10 

Then another  x10 


Hip extension in Prone lying

Lie on your front and lift the whole leg up a few inches x 20

leg ext in prone

Clam exercise

Lie on your side.

Keep your heels together

Raise your knee away from the other one but do not let your pelvis roll back

Sitting exercises for the Hip

Raise your thigh up away from the chair x 10


Sitting Hip flexion and Abduction

As per the last exercise except this time you will lift it out to the side x 10

If you have had a hip replacement just lift the leg straight out away from other leg but do not bend up further than 90 degrees

Sit to Stand

This also works the Quadriceps for the knee

Sit to stand with no help from the hands.

Start with the arms outstretched in front of you and progress to arms across your chest.

The difficulty of this will depend on the height of the chair-easier if you are on a higher chair


Standing Exercises

Sideways lifts-

stand holding onto something solid.

Lift one leg out tot eh side keeping the foot facing straight forwards

Repeat x 10-20

Hip extension in standing

Stand holding on.

Keep standing up tall and take leg backwards

Repeat x 10-20

hip ext st

Hip bends in standing-

Holding on to something solid

Lift up your knee towards your chest

Repeat x 10-20

While standing do some other general exercises for balance as well.

1. Go up and down onto tiptoes holding on

2. Step forwards and back with the good leg to get the other leg used to the weight going through it. 

Print this downloadable pdf of the exercises


Move on now to the more Advanced Hip exercises

Hip exercises- Advanced

and you can also do the Hydrotherapy for Hip if you have access to a pool.

Hip- Early/Easy Hydrotherapy exercises