Hip exercises- Advanced

Bridging squeezing a ball

Lie on your back

Place a small ball between your knees.

Squeeze the ball hard and lift the bottom up

Repeat x 10-20

bridging with thera


Bridging with elastic

Lie on your back with your knees bent.

Place an elastic around your thighs

Lift up and pull knees apart at the same time

Abduction in side lying

Lie on your side-

Lift the upper leg straight up towards the ceiling keeping the knee locked straight and the toes facing forwards

Repeat x 10-20

To progress you can add a Theraband ties around your thighs/knees


Clam with Elastic

Lie on your side as before and with knees bent.

Place the elastic around your knees.

Now lift knee up and out against the elastic

On all Fours- Leg and Arm lift

Get down on to all fours on the floor ideally but can be on the bed. It is harder to balance on the bed.

If you have a problem with your knees place a pillow under the knees.

Lift leg out straight behind you. Then back in

Repeat x 10-20

You can then try and lift the opposite arm at the same time

on all fours hip ext

Wall slides

With your back against the wall slide down the wall keeping in contact with the wall.

Do not go past 90 degrees knee bend.


Theraband exercises as per pictures below-

or go to page with Theraband exercises

Hip exercises with a Theraband

theraband hip flex standing hurl
Pull straight leg forwards
theraband hip ext hurl_1
Pull straight leg backwards
theraband hip abd hurl_1
Pull leg out to the side