Heart Rate
Your Heart is a muscle that needs exercise to keep in shape
Regular exercise helps maintain a healthy heart and lower the chance of heart and other circulatory diseases
Always warm up and warm down your exercises to avoid injury
What is a normal rate??
A normal rate is 70-100 beats per minute at rest. This is your resting pulse.
The pulse rate will be more if you have just taken some exercise.
In order to improve your heart health safely you must work within a safe range. This is worked out by working out your maximum heart rate.
This is age dependant.
How to work out your maximum heart rate
Maximum heart rate is 220 minus your age
If you are 70 years old your maximum heart rate should be 150 beats per minute
What should my target be when exercising?
Target Heart rate should be 50-70% of the maximum heart rate
E.G for a 70 year old:
Maximum is 150
Target Heart rate is between 150 x 50% and 150x 75%
Pulse rate 75-112
How do I measure my heart rate?
You can take your pulse manually by feeling for the pulse in your wrist.
Many people buy a monitor and depending what features you want will depend which model to buy.
to see Heart rate monitor article