Exercises- Standing supported

Sit to stand

Sitting on a chair- lean forwards and without using your arms stand up and down from the chair x 20

If this is too hard do it from anything that is higher such as a stool or table. If it is too easy go for a lower chair and perform it as slowly as possible 

seated- arms out in front
seated sit to stand edited


Hold the support and go up and down on to tiptoes as far as you can x 20




Marching on the spot

Hold the support and lift one leg up as high as you can towards your chest x 10

Then do the other leg

Then do it quicker alternately like proper marching lifting one leg and then the other. Repeat x 20

Mini Squats holding on

Stand and hold the back of the chair or kitchen top – Do small bends. Repeat 20 times



Knee bends in standing

Now standing tall and keeping straight bend one knee taking the foot towards your bottom.

Repeat x 10

Then do the other leg


Leg sideways lift

Hold the support and lift one leg out to the side and back x 15 Then do the other leg.




Extending Hip 

Hold the support and standing tall with no leaning forwards- Lift your leg backwards x 10 

Then change legs

Stepping forward and backward

Holding your support as little as you need- Step forwards and back with one leg x 10

Then do the other leg x 10




Holding your support put one foot well forwards. Now keeping both feet facing forwards and your back foot flat on the floor. Lean forward putting your weight over the front foot.

Feel a stretch in your calf of the back foot

Repeat x 5

Then change legs


Balancing on one leg

Holding your support as much or preferably as little as you need.

Lift up one leg and try to stand on this leg for 5 secs. If you feel able try and release your hand from the support.

If this is too easy try closing your eyes.


The next set of exercises are up against a wall. Only perform if you are able to have just the wall behind you as support.

Wall slides

Stand against the wall and slide down the wall letting the knees bent and knees going towards your second toe. Not too far so you can safely come back up x 20

Side bends

Stand against the wall- Feet slightly apart, arms relaxed by your side. Stretch each hand sideways down the wall hold for 2 secs then do other side x 10


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Stand facing the wall. Slide one hand up the wall as far as you can then other arm x 10



Press-ups on the wall

Stand facing the wall put both hands on the wall and do a press up against the wall x 10

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Step ups

Go to the bottom step of the stairs. Put the Rt leg up on the step then step up and down with the left leg x 10. Swop legs and repeat.

Try and build up to 20 times each leg.

Step downs

This is a more advanced exercise. Stand on the first step facing downstairs. Hold the bannister.

Now with one leg step down just to touch the foot down and straight back up so that all the weight stays on the upper leg at all times.

Control the speed. The slower you do this the harder it is.

Try and do x 10 Then change legs

Try and do some balance exercises at the end of this program

See link below

Balance exercises

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  1. Pingback: Chair Exercises – Myhealth4life

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