Dogs- The Benefits of a dog

We all know there are benefits of having a dog but did you know they make you healthier too!!

From cardiovascular fitness to mental stability, dogs provide a whole lot more than tail wags and cuddles, and the health advantages of dog guardianship are not limited to people who have a four-legged best friend at home. Just look at animal-assisted therapy programs in prisons, schools, and hospitals: almost everyone can benefit from having a dog. 

A new study suggests canine-lovers could be 23% less likely to die from heart disease – or it could just be that healthier people prefer dogs.

Dogs improve your mood

Numerous studies have shown that having a pet can lessen the symptoms of depression and help owners maintain a positive, optimistic outlook.

Dogs reduce stress

In addition to helping your overall mood, the benefits of having a dog include a measurable impact on stress levels.

Spending time with an animal increases your level of the hormone oxytocin, often referred to as the “love hormone,” a neurotransmitter that increases trust and reduces fear.

Petting is also known to lower levels of cortisol the stress hormone.

For this reason universities bring them in for petting sessions at exam time to calm students down.

Dogs are good for your heart

According to the American Heart Association, another benefit of owning a dog can help lower your risk of heart disease mainly because having a dog causes you to be more active and physical activity is the best thing for your heart. Dogs also help improve heart healthy by being loyal, loving companions. In a 2009 study conducted at the UCLA Medical Center, heart failure patients who came in contact with therapy dogs for 12 minutes a day demonstrated notably reduced blood pressure, heart rate and anxiety.

Another study in Australia of 5000 people studied the pet owners had lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels despite similar body mass indexes.

Dogs keep you moving

Dogs need exercise, and for many of us, walking the dog is an important part of our own fitness routine. It’s not just your cardiovascular health that benefits from a few brisk walks every day.

Regular dog walks can also improve your muscle tone, bone health, flexibility, and lung capacity. Several studies have shown that owners who regularly walk their dogs get more exercise per week than non-dog-people and are more likely to meet the criteria for regular moderate or vigorous exercise per week.


Dogs keep you social

An added bonus of all that dog walking is the increased social interaction it provides. A healthy mind depends on engagement with others. Having a dog leads you into interaction and conversations with others.

If you do not have space or the ability to have a dog full time there are now plenty of ways of finding a dog that you can look after from time to time. There are several websites that help you find a dog to share such as: