Core exercises in water

All photos taken courtesy of Herongate Leisure centre Hungerford

Exercise programs written by Victoria Kerr Davies

Photography Cayford Media

Maintain good posture and stand up tall throughout all these exercises.

Exercises to be performed slowly, smoothly and evenly with control.

Warm up by Walking backwards and forwards across the pool hands out of water.

shoulder press float down copy

Then repeat the walking with your hands on a float  pushing down to feel your core working.

Standing facing pool side with hands on the side (with good posture). As core strength improves, stand without support.

Alternate knee bend towards chest and straighten.

Add woggle or float under foot to increase challenge



Bend alternate knee up backwards towards your bottom and back down

knee flexion, kick bottom copy 2
hip abduction holding edge copy

Alternately take straight leg out sideways and back in. 

Alternately take straight leg out behind you.

stand leg extension copy

Hip Hitching- Stand and shorten leg by lifting it a few inches off the floor

Stand with your hip and knee at 90 degrees. Now take the knee out and back in.

Add woggle or float under foot to increase challenge.

Now standing in shallow water

Squats – Do squats not holding on

double knee bends holding on

Single leg squats.

Add hands on float to increase work

Run on the spot lifting alternate knee to touch opposite elbow

push float straight down

Stand with both hands on top of a float then push it down under the water and then slowly back up.

With one hand on the float press it down under the water then pass it across in front of your body from left and right.

pass float round
thoracic rotation other way float

Hold the float upright between your hands, now rotate left and right.

Hold float between hands against the water and push forward and pull back.

shoulder push float out forwards

Progress to stride standing with either leg forward  and then to standing on one leg.

Holding water bottles in both hands and keeping your shoulders down perform the following.

1. Arms circling both ways

2. Straight arms together take down and back past hips

3.  Alternate arms forward and back

4. Straight arms take apart and together

Progress the above exercises by

A. Stride standing either leg forward

B. Single leg standing

In the corner of the pool holding the edges of the pool with a woggle under you if needed.

Bend alternate knee up and down like bicycling in the water

Bicycling lying on back

Sitting on woggle: as if on a swing. If confident to do so. Keep tall.

A. Balance, arms still and bring arms in to body as balance improves.

B. Lift alternate hand up out of water

C. Lift both hands up out of water

D. Repeat above sequence with eyes closed

E. Cycling


Lying on woggle:

If confident to do so.

Take both knees up towards your chest and back out straight

Then balance lying flat on the woggles keeping still in the water whilst lifting alternate hand out of the water.

 Then swim if able with

A. arms only, float between legs, 

B. legs only holding float out in front, try not to roll.

Or walk to finish.

Go forwards, backwards and sideways, hands out of the water or placed on a float.