Cancer and Lifestyle

Many people are unaware of the proven link between cancer and processed foods and alcohol.

The You Gov survey found that 51% of people were not aware that processed meats increased cancer risk or that lack of exercise was also dangerous.

Equally 41% had no idea of any link with cancer and alcohol.

Most people were aware of the link with cancer and smoking while 62% knew about the link with obesity.

Recent research shows that 24,000 less people would die each year of cancer if they stopped drinking alcohol.

Many lives could also be saved by raising awareness to limit the consumption of processed meats.

Some people believed that stress could cause cancer. This myth has been disproven although stress has the effect of raising hormones in the body which harm the immune system and raise pulse and blood pressure. These changes will have an effect on the heart.

Stress can however make people turn to alcohol or smoking. The best cure for stress would be to go for a brisk walk.

In conclusion it is believed that the risk of cancer could be cut by a third with a healthy lifestyle. This would also cut down 85% of heart disease cases.

If everyone kept a healthy weight, good balanced diet and regular exercise 80,000 cases of cancer a year could be prevented