Boost your Heart Health

Heart disease is still one of the biggest killers in the UK. The figures for 2015 were 160,000 died from cardiovascular disease.

There are some simple ways to improve your heart health as well as eating plenty of fruit and vegetables and taking regular exercise.

1. Eat just one handful of walnuts every day as they lower your cholesterol levels but are also high in calories.

2. Cut down on Alcohol.
Alcohol can cause abnormal rhythms, high blood pressure and increase the chance of cancer.
More facts and information about Alcohol click here see below.

3. Healthy ways to cook food- Avoid frying and try to bake grill or steam food.

4. Try to lose 5% of your body weight- Even a few pounds can make a difference but aim for 1-2 lbs per week. Experts believe that one of the healthiest diets is the Mediterranean diet which is high in fruit and vegetables.

5. Add Linseeds in to your diet. They are high in Omega 3 fatty acids which have the benefit of lowering cholesterol and can help constipation as they increase fibre intake. They can be added to breakfast cereal or yoghurts or sprinkled in to salads. Start with a small teaspoon a day and build up to 2 teaspoons a day.

6. Take regular exercise.


7. Meditation – it has been proven that 15 mins a day can cut the heart attack risk by 50% as it helps to lower blood pressure. Deep breathing and releasing the air slowly to a count of 20 also has this effect. Try 3-4 breaths only at a time. Yoga also has the same effect of lowering blood pressure.

What is the Recommended Limit of Alcohol?

Government guidelines are that both men and women should not drink more than 14 units per week.

Harmful Effects of Alcohol

Alcohol can cause sleep problems – The liver starts processing it during the night so although you may go to sleep fast initially it will tend to wake you up in the early hours of the morning when the liver starts processing it. Alcohol also causes dehydration which has numerous effects. Alcohol has been proven recently to make you more susceptible to certain cancers.

Alcohol and Tablets

Alcohol and prescriptions can be dangerous. Drinking alcohol can cause some medications to not work as effectively. Check with your GP or pharmacy whether you can drink with your prescription.