Balance- Basic information

As we grow older the muscles become less strong and the balance decreases.

From the age of 40 people lose 8% of their muscle mass every decade and over 70 this goes up to 15%.

This is usually combined with less good eyesight, some long-term health problems and some medications.

It has been proven that regular exercise helps build muscle strength, bone density and improve balance.

balance inle lake

The BMJ states that “regular exercise can allow an older person to drop a decade in their ability to get up and move”

How much should I do?

The chief medical officer guidelines are to perform 2 sessions of muscle strengthening per week and 2 sessions of Balance work.

These can be combined to do 3-4 sessions of Balance and strengthening programs.

Maintaining muscle strength and good balance is vital to prevent falls.

Falls in older age can lead to a catastrophic chain of events with a hip or pelvic fracture leading to an operation or a long period of bed rest.

FACT 1-There are 65,000 Hip fractures in people over 60 every year in the UK.
FACT 2-Falls cause 95% of all hip fractures.

Falls cause people to lose confidence, strength and mobility

For balance exercises follow the program here

Balance exercises

Also look at causes of falls in the home and check the walking aids are suitable for your condition and being used correctly

Falls in the home

Falls- Common reasons

Walking aids- Choosing

2 thoughts on “Balance- Basic information”

  1. Pingback: Falls in the home – Myhealth4life

  2. Pingback: Walking-the benefits – Myhealth4life

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