Back exercises- Strength

The goal of back strengthening exercises is to condition the muscles to support the spine better and withstand stress, which can lead to back and neck pain.

Most back strengthening exercises focus on the core muscles which include the abdominals glutei and the hip muscles as well as the muscles surrounding the spine. All of the core muscles are essential in supporting and minimizing strain on the spine.

Unlike muscles in the arms and legs, the core muscles do not get much use during typical daily activities. So in order to build strength in the core the exercises need to focus specifically on the abdominal, back and hip muscle groups.

bridging with thera


This exercise works the hip extensors and muscles in the bottom.

Lift up as high as you can. Feel the stretch on the front of your hips. Hold it here for 5 seconds and then release. Repeat x 20

Bridging with one leg out straight-

As per the previous exercise but then hold your bottom up high and straighten out one leg.

The important thing is to not allow the pelvis to move at all when you do this.

Hold it there for 5 seconds. Repeat x 5. Then do the other side.

bottom lift 1 leg straight edited

Abdominal curls

Start by placing your hands behind your neck and your knees bent. Pull in your tummy.

Then curl up keeping your tummy in as you curl. Repeat x 20

Then do the same exercise but when you curl get one elbow to aim towards the opposite knee x 20

Then change and do the other direction x 20

Abdominals again

This time start with both knees bent and feet on the ground. Pull in your tummy to support your spine. Then bend one knee in towards your chest then the other keeping your tummy pulled in.

From here keeping your tummy tucked in at all times, extend one leg out midair and back in to join the first leg. Then stretch the other leg out.

Only go as far as you can comfortably go whilst controlling your tummy muscles.

Repeat x 20 

Clam exercise

Lie on your side and keep your heels together. Now lift your upper thigh away from the lower leg but do not allow the pelvis to move or rock backwards. You will need to actively try and hold in your tummy muscles to control this.

Repeat x 10

Clam with Theraband

As above but this time place a Theraband around your thighs to resist the movement.

Repeat x 10-20 or whatever you can manage

prone arm extension

Back extension exercise

Lie on your tummy with your arms and hands by your side.

Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and now lift your arms slightly off the ground.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Repeat x 10-20

Back extension with arm extension

Lie on your front with your arms bent and hands placed near your ears.

Lift up your upper body and the arms.

Hold for 5 seconds and then relax down.

Repeat x 10

Progression-If you want to make it harder try and slide your arms forwards mid air, back in and down.


On all Fours- Arm and leg lift

Go onto all fours preferably on a firm surface with some carpet or mat to protect your knees.

Lift one leg out behind you and then if possible the opposite arm. Hold it there for 5 seconds trying to maintain your balance. This exercise is both good for balance and your core stability.

Change legs. Repeat x 10-20

Plank exercises

Lie down on your front and rest propped up on your forearms. Have your toes tucked under you and then lift the pelvis so that your body is straight.

Hold for 30 secs if possible and repeat x 3

Sideplank– On your side and resting propped up on one arm. Lift the pelvis  up clear of the floor. Hold 20 seconds and repeat x3.

For more exercises to strengthen the core go to: Core Exercises

Core strength exercises

or if you prefer to do in water look at:

Core exercises in water

Back strengthening exercises program printable pdf.!AlCQwXSXIPRqesFOiUTEg_QkjDI?e=QKMpWd

As part of your back program it is also beneficial to perform the Back mobilising exercises as below.

Back exercises- Basic mobilising

And also if you have access to a pool try the hydrotherapy exercises for the back

Back Exercises in Water