Back Exercises- General

This exercises program is designed to both loosen up and strengthen the whole back and core. This will include the low back and mid back but not specifically the neck which are listed separately.


Knee Rolls 

Lie down preferably on the floor but if not then most can be performed on the bed

On your back with your knees bent.

Keep your feet flat on the floor/bed 

Stretch both arms out away from your body.

Keeping your shoulders, arms and feet still.

Lower both knees together toward the ground each way as far as you can easily do.

Repeat x 20

Pelvic tilts

Start as before with knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

Now roll your pelvis backwards and try to squeeze your lower back flat onto the bed.

Then release

Repeat x10


The bridge position is common in yoga and pilates.

Lie down on your back with bent knees and feet flat on the floor.

Arms resting by your side

Keep the shoulders, feet and arms on the ground and raise the hips toward the ceiling.

Hold for 4–5 seconds and then slowly lower the hips back to the mat.

Repeat  5–10 times.

Bridging with one leg out straight-

As per the previous exercise but then hold your bottom up high and straighten out one leg.

The important thing is to not allow the pelvis to move at all when you do this.

Hold it there for 5 seconds. Repeat x 5. Then do the other side.

Bridging and then lift bent leg out

As for Bridging- lift up your pelvis. Then keeping the pelvis steady and not allowing it to rotate at all, move one of the bent legs up and out rotating it away from the other leg but with the foot off the floor.


Single leg to chest

The single-knee-to-chest stretch can help stretch the lower back and legs.

Lie on your back 

Pull one leg in toward the chest until there is a comfortable stretch of the back and hip

N.B Beware of this if you have had a hip replacement do not pull too far in.

Hold for 5 seconds release and pull back in x5 each side

Double Knee to chest

As above but this time you pull both knees into your chest

Then release slightly and then pull in again

Repeat 5-10 times

Rolling backwards over a roll

This is a great way to loosen up the mid back.

Find a hard roll and do an abdominal curl up over the roll. Move the roll to different areas of the back to loosen them up.

If you cannot get down onto the floor you can roll backwards over the rounded arm of the sofa or over a Swiss ball.

Abdominal curls

Start by placing your hands behind your neck and your knees bent. Pull in your tummy.

Then curl up keeping your tummy in as you curl. Repeat x 20

Then do the same exercise but when you curl get one elbow to aim towards the opposite knee x 20

Then change and do the other direction x 20

Abdominals again

This time start with both knees bent and feet on the ground. Pull in your tummy to support your spine. Then bend one knee in towards your chest then the other keeping your tummy pulled in.

From here keeping your tummy tucked in at all times, extend one leg out midair and back in to join the first leg. Then stretch the other leg out.

Only go as far as you can comfortably go whilst controlling your tummy muscles.

Repeat x 20 

Clam exercise

Lie on your side and keep your heels together. Now lift your upper thigh away from the lower leg but do not allow the pelvis to move or rock backwards. You will need to actively try and hold in your tummy muscles to control this.

Repeat x 10

double leg lift

Double leg lift in side lying

Lie on your side with your legs together and just slightly forward so you can see your toes.

Now lift up both legs together supporting yourself with one hand on the floor.

Repeat x 15 each side


If you are able to roll on to your tummy.

Place both hands on the floor around ear level.

Keep your pelvis down push up on arms to extend the elbows and ease the back into extension.

Just go as far as you can within your pain free range.

Repeat x 10

prone arm extension

Back extension exercise

Lie on your tummy with your arms and hands by your side.

Lift your head and shoulders off the floor and now lift your arms slightly off the ground.

Hold for 5 seconds.

Repeat x 10-20

Back extension with arm extension

Lie on your front with your arms bent and hands placed near your ears.

Lift up your upper body and the arms.

Hold for 5 seconds and then relax down.

Repeat x 10

Progression-If you want to make it harder try and slide your arms forwards mid air, back in and down.



Cobra exercise

Lie on your front with your arms by your side.

Lift up your head and shoulders off the floor.

Hold for 5 seconds. Release and repeat x 10


Level 1 Plank

  1. Lie on the floor with your elbows under your shoulders, hands flat on the floor and core engaged.
  2. Keeping your forearms and knees on the floor slowly raise yourself upwards until your body is in a straight line from your knees to your head.
  3. Hold the position for as long as you can. Do not worry if you abdominal muscles start shaking. This is a sign that you are working them hard. Try and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat x 3

Angry Cat Exercise

If you watch dogs or cats getting up they always stretch their backs like this

Start on your hands and knees.

Keep your elbows fixed straight

Now let the back sink down into a hollowed position

Now lift up and hump your back up pulling the tummy in as far as you can

Repeat this 10–15 times.

On all Fours- Arm and leg lift

Go onto all fours preferably on a firm surface with some carpet or mat to protect your knees.

Lift one leg out behind you and then if possible the opposite arm. Hold it there for 5 seconds trying to maintain your balance. This exercise is both good for balance and your core stability.

Change legs. Repeat x 10-20


Ball Rollouts

Kneel down with your forearms and hands resting on the ball.

Roll the ball forwards as far away as you can keeping control and then roll it back in.

Bridging on a ball.

This is a more advanced exercise

With your calves resting on the ball raise your pelvis off the floor.

Repeat x 10

Sitting thoracic rotation

Sitting on a chair turn your body around as far as you can and then pull yourself further round by pulling on the chair and on your knee x 5 each way


 Side bends

Place your hands by your side and keeping your arms, back and shoulders against the wall at all times slide your hand down the wall one side.

Then the other way

Repeat 10-20 times

To make this a bigger stretch you can have one arm up above your head and keep it against the wall. Then side bend away from the bent arm side

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