About Us
About Tanya Andrews
Having trained and qualified from Bristol in 1981 Tanya worked in the top London teaching hospitals before moving on to a busy Harley Street practice. She then did a season treating ski injuries in the Alps before setting up her private practice in 1985. Since then she has run a successful practice from consulting rooms in London and West Berkshire.
During this time she has also worked several winters in the Alps, travelling with the British Bobsleigh team.
Tanya is passionate about physiotherapy, helping people to recover from injury and operations. Recently she has worked with an increasing number of older people and has appreciated the need for people to learn to help themselves as the strain on NHS resources grows more acute.
This website is a culmination of 40 years of experience and commonly asked questions, all assembled under one roof. Packed with exercise programmes, videos and advice, the website is intended to help both current and future generations to live well and live longer.

Other contributors

Edward Crawfurd MBBS, FRCS
Edward Crawfurd is a highly experienced lower limb surgeon. He studied medicine at University College, London, before moving to the prestigious Westminster Hospital Medical School for his clinical education. After qualifying as a doctor Mr Crawfurd undertook his surgical training in London, primarily at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, University College Hospital, and Westminster Hospital.
Fellow Royal College of Surgeons of England
Fellow British Association for Surgery of the Knee
Fellow British Orthopaedic Association
Edward Crawfurd received a three-month scholarship from the Swiss Orthopaedic Association to study and work in Geneva, Switzerland. During this time, he gained extensive experience in the treatment of lower limb trauma, treating many high energy skiing injuries.
Mr Crawfurd was subsequently awarded a scholarship to Harvard University in Massachusetts. He worked in the lower limb unit, performing complex hip and knee operations, as a lower limb Fellow. The majority of his work involved hip and knee replacements, however, he was also working closely with the sports injury unit.
After returning to England, Mr Crawfurd was appointed Consultant Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgeon at Northampton Hospital. Alongside his work as a hip and knee specialist, he has also undertaken much clinical research and continues to be part of the research group assessing the AMIS hip.
Mr Crawfurd is an accredited trainer in the AMIS method of performing minimally invasive hip replacements through the anterior approach. He frequently has surgeons visiting to learn the technique and lectures on it both here in the UK and on the continent.
Mr Crawfurd’s scientific papers on hip replacements and associated issues have been published widely. He continues to carry out research involving minimal access hip replacements.
Sarah Mahoney
The Good Use Company was founded in 1996 by Physiotherapist Sarah Mahoney. Sarah is an Auckland based physiotherapist with over 30 years experience dealing with musculoskeletal disorders resulting from poor workplace postures and practices.
Sarah founded The Good Use Company with the aim of educating workers and preventing many of the MSD’s she was repeatedly treating. During this time Sarah also started to develop her own unique products aimed at the prevention of such injuries. One product, the Microdesk, has now sold over 100,000 units and is recommended in 12 countries throughout the world.
Sarah believes passionately that people need to think about HOW they do their job and not just WHAT they are doing, and her blend of Occupational Health Physiotherapy has helped thousands of office workers worldwide become pain free at their desk.
Victoria Kerr Davis
MCSP Grad Dip Phys BSc (Hons) Psych (0pen)
She qualified as a Physiotherapist from the Middlesex Hospital in 1973 and have followed a long and rewarding career, retired in July 2017.
18 months after qualifying she travelled over land to South Africa via India and then stayed in South Africa for a year working at Princess Alice Hospital in CapeTown an orthopaedic hospital and enjoying 2 months at a mission hospital in the Transkei. On her return she worked in Swindon firstly in outpatients followed by working on the orthopaedic wards and then Battle Hospital Reading working in neurological rehab and rheumatology with the added benefit of Hydrotherapy.
Her time spent in multiple clinical settings namely out patients, orthopaedics, neurology and rheumatology gave her a very wide scope and experience for the ultimate challenge which was building a clinic with a hydrotherapy pool and setting up her own practice just outside Newbury, an adventure that started in 1990 and finished in 2017 when Victoria retired.
With a wealth of experience and passion to help people she helped with all the Hydrotherapy programs on this site along with advice on many other articles.