What are the hip flexors?
The hip flexors which are the muscles on the front of your hip, help balance the posterior pelvic muscles.
The three key muscles often become tight and shortened as a result of activities of daily living.
When these muscles are under constant tension because of the way you sit and habitual posture, they may become tight and shortened. This can result in pulling forward on the lumbar vertebrae, creating hyperlordosis and causing the pelvis to tilt anteriorly. This is commonly seen in people who maintain a seated position for a prolonged period such as office workers and others who find themselves sitting at a desk for hours every day. It is important to provide education on proper ergonomics, movement, and self-care to these individuals.
Why do older people get tight hip flexors?
These muscles also become tight in older age with a combination of sitting, hip pain/ arthritis and walking with short strides looking at the floor rather than standing tall. It is very important to keep these stretched to enable normal walking.

1. Lie on your front, bend the knee to 90 degrees and then lift your thigh off the bed keeping the knee bent.
Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat x3
2. Hip flexor stretch in side lying-
This same stretch as above can be performed in side lying as well.
Bend the knee and hold with your hand in a bent position. Then extend the hip.
Hold for 10 seconds and release.
Repeat x 3

3. Lie on your back and lift your bottom as high as you can and really feel the stretch at the front of your hips.
Push into that final movement making sure you really feel the stretch on the front of your thighs/hips
Repeat x 5
This exercise is best done on a hard surface but if unable to do that then do on the bed.