It is important as you get older to try and maintain the strength of your bones. This makes a big difference if you have a fall.
How can I strengthen my bones?
Bones are strengthened by regular weight bearing exercise and by muscles pulling on their insertions in to the bone. So gently resisted exercises help increase the bone strength.
So it is very important to include weight bearing exercises if possible and some resisted exercises in to your exercise program at least twice a week.
Walking is also a good weight bearing exercise and works the muscles hard if you walk fast and even more if you include some hills.

A diet should be rich in calcium and Vitamin D also helps.
Calcium is found in dairy products, oily fish white bread, pulses and nuts particularly almonds.
Vitamin D is found in salmon, oily fish and eggs. It is very difficult to get enough Vitamin D from diet alone and sunshine is the main major source. Try to go outside for short periods from March until October exposing your arms and hands to the sun at the very least. In winter it is advisable to take supplements as the sun is not strong enough to produce enough vitamin D.
See full article on Vitamin D
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